(Rootless Cosmopolitans hit the road again!)
Attention Unindicted Co-conspirators and Fellow Travelers!
The Biennial Project - never content to rest on our ever more sizable laurels - is just tickled to announce an Intensely Cool New Thing!
In the "off" year from our infamous Assaults on the Venice Biennale, we are going to host Biennial Exhibits in a series of Super Fun Art Locales that we have always wanted to visit.
Hence, the title - The Biennial Roadshow.
(Get the play on Antique’s Roadshow? Aren’t we just the cleverest and the meta-est?)
As we anticipate it, for future Biennial Roadshows, anyone who wants to can suggest a destination, but for the first one we have already picked a place.
The place is Marfa, Texas.
Yes, Texas.
OK, we will admit that the idea of Texas freaked us out a little at first too.
But as we hear it, it’s super beautiful out there, and we’ll be traveling as a large group to one of their artiest towns, so we’re thinking we may get out alive.
After all:
and more:
Why Marfa is a Really Cool Place that Cool People Already Know About
We’ll have more info soon about how to apply to get your important work included in Biennial Roadshow Marfa, but for now we want to offer the opportunity for a select small group to travel with us.
We can check out super cool spots, see art, make art, re-enact the Last Supper in the dessert, and generally make our parents proud. And you know that you can trust us because you’ve touched our perfect body with your mind.

When are we going you ask?
The week of March 30th thru April 6th, year of our lord 2114.
Where are we staying you ask?
Only THE coolest place ever – check it out!
THE Coolest Place Ever - El Cosmico
Yep, we thought you’d agree that there could be no cooler base camp from which to partake of the bounty of Marfa. Did we mention that they have hot tubs?
And that on Friday April 4th The Biennial Project and El Cosmico will host the best party in town to celebrate the opening of the Biennial Roadshow Marfa exhibit?
OK, by now you either realize that this is the coolest thing ever, or you are considering reporting us as spam.
If you are in the cool kids group, and are in the mood for a road trip, let us know.
Biennial Roadshow Marfa on Facebook