Ok, we know that you, our fans, are used to a fun, art-oriented Blog post from us - and as you know, we generally aim to please.
But this week we feel that it is important to chime in and voice our support for Occupy Wall Street/Occupy Boston.
Anna, Laura and Eric are all Americans living in the northeast of our fair country. We all feel the pain of barely keeping our heads above water.

Living here in The USA we notice how year after year life seems to get harder. We mourn the loss of ‘The American Dream’ which we took for granted and thought would always give us the chance to live decent lives.
Jobs have been lost, debt continues to pile up, and insurance rates keep rising while the services they provide seem almost non-existent.
Is anybody else shocked when they receive un-managable bills for things like the dentist or the veterinarian? Good health for our mouths and pets used to be a given - now they seem like unattainable luxuries. The list of economic grievances goes on and on.

Personally all three members of the Biennial Project have very real American stories of our own economical difficulties over the past few years.
We are not just the Jet Set International Art Rock Stars you know us as.
In reality we also work at other jobs simply to provide life’s basic necessities. None of us are starving or dying of poverty like a lot on our poor little planet, and with that in mind we are grateful to the lives we currently lead, but…..
Anna is a nurse who for the last 19 years has worked with the impoverished Spanish speaking population of Boston. Last spring she lost her job and now she is having the fight of her economic life trying to keep her house.
Eric works as a photographer. Work is scarce and the photography industry pay rate has not seen any increases in the past ten years. He also lost his home and is back to being a renter.
Laura is a real estate broker. There is not much to sell at the moment and her husband lost his employment and had to take a job three hours away from Boston for a lot less money and a whole lot more hours.
We all have parents who spent their life savings on complicated and inattentive medical care. All of us have post graduate degrees and vocational training but we are always stressed out and feel like we are barely getting by.
The lists can go on and on.

Instead of complaining, we, The Biennial Project see that it is time to take action.

We, the Biennial Project stand with the brave and honest Occupy Wall Street/Occupy Boston organizers who are protesting against social and economic inequality, corporate greed, and the influence of corporate money and lobbyists on government.

You will see us at the gatherings; we will donate our time and resources to keep the organizations going and hopefully educate people on what is going on economically and what we can all do to make it better.

Let’s get this party started……
Occupy Wall Street
Occupy Boston
Photos by Leigh Hall and Eric Hess