by Samantha Marder, Director of The Perfume Project
This week the Boston-based perennial favorites The Biennial Project gleefully distributed black and yellow be-ribboned vials of their intoxicating new personal fragrance Star of Venice to art aficionados in the Giardini venue of the Venice Biennale 2011.
The introduction of this signature fragrance served as a crowning grace note to the project’s continued participation in all things Biennale. The Biennial Team received warm response and delighted surprise to the gesture.
Certainly the soft scent of Star of Venice now wafts along the canals and down the narrow alleys of the city!
The 14-Member Performance Art/Activist Troupe exhibited several new perfomative art pieces during the Biennale’s opening days, and took turns interviewing artists and hosting glittering social events throughout the week.
Biennial Project literature was distributed at art pulse points all around town.
Intrigue has been seeded and inquiries have already flooded in!
The sweet scent of Biennial Project success now permeates the historic glory of this eternal city!