Lets face it. We love The Venice Biennale and The Whitney Biennial but as you all know they are not the only biennials on our planet. Yes the folks in The Vento and on The Upper East Side think that they are end all and be all in the art biennial world but we, meaning us here at The Biennial Project, and you, our loyal and creative fans, know that all the really cool shit goes down right in our own backyards. Fame and fortune, we are not above them, but sometimes we simply just want to show our art. Presented here is the on- going series brought to you by The Biennial Project called The Global Biennial Digest and here we will look at some of the other biennials going on globally.
First off, there is
The 2012 Inaugural Windsor-Whitney Biennial,
an Online Survey of American and International Art!! This event is brought to you by none other then us,
The Biennial Project. Here is your chance to show off
YOUR WORK to our
global biennial community. All you have to do is enter by this Sunday, February 19, 2012, by midnight (maybe by the next morning if you are a last minute late night procrastinator). To submit work, please go to
The Biennial Project is honored to have the Renowned Artist and Star of Bravo TV Network's Runaway Hit Show "Work of Art: The Next Great Artist" Morgan The Sucklord Phillips as our Celebrity Guest Juror! The Windsor Whitney Biennial Grand Prize Winner will attend (as a guest of The Biennial Project!) the February 29th VIP Reception of the other notable biennial opening in New York that week - yes, The Whitney Biennial (a $250 Value!).

Art World Cognoscente may wonder, “”Does the World need yet another Biennial?” if not “Why the heck haven’t I been included in The Whitney Biennial?” The provocative artist collective known as The Biennial Project relishes sinking their creative teeth into such charged questions. Their goal is to explore the nature of and understand the perception of biennials within the art world. In the words of renowned art critic Clea Sahroli “the Project provides a metaphorical vehicle to explore the underlying dynamics of who gets validation from the art world apparatus and why, at the same time addressing the artist’s internal dialectic between expected and achieved success in external and personal universes.”
The Windsor Whitney Biennial will explore art biennials…and all the aspiration and greed, sublime insight and cheap self-aggrandizement, profundity and narcissism that biennials have come to represent. If artists have ever looked with envy at the burgeoning biennial activity around them, attended a venerable Biennale and said to themselves, “I can do better than that,” …this bi’s for you!
For more information contact windsorwhitneybiennial@gmail.com.
To submit work, please go to http://windsorwhitneybiennial.com/biennial2.aspx

Another biennial you may want to check out (only looking, too late to show) is Colombo Art Biennale 2012, which is taking place now in the Sri Lankan city of Colombo adjacent to the capital city of Sri Jayawardenapura Kotte. This is the last and only weekend to see this so hurry your ass over to Sri Lanka. The Colombo Art Biennale 2012 aims to strengthen the platform and enhance awareness of Sri Lankan Contemporary Art and culture both within Sri Lanka and around the globe. The Colombo Art Biennale this year is adopting the theme of “Becoming”, which will be reflected by the astonishing variety of the best of the best contemporary art on show. Some of the showing artists include artists Aaron Burton, Anoli Perera ,Anomaa Rajakaruna ,Anura Krishantha, Bandu Manamperi and Chandraguptha Thenuwara(of course). Undoubtedly the most popular sport in Sri Lanka is cricket. The country emerged as champions of the 1996 Cricket World Cup and became runners up in 2007 and 2011. Colombo has the distinction of being the only city in the world to have 4 cricket Test venues in the past: Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu Stadium, Sinhalese Sports Club Ground, Colombo Cricket Club Ground and Ranasinghe Premadasa Stadium. This Saturday night The Biennial will host the ‘Becoming One Party’, which is a mix of art, performance, musicians and djs!!!!!! Early birds pay only 2,000 rupees from box offices or else its 2,500 at the door. The party will be covered by MTV, HI Magazine and YES FM Radio. http://colomboartbiennale.com/

If you miss The Biennial in Columbo then make sure you put The Adelaide Biennial on your calendar. This Biennial will be held from March 2, 2012 until March 18th. An experiential proposition inspired by art, cinema and literature, the 2012 Adelaide Biennial explores the ways in which ideas emerge, converge and re-form through time. This year’s theme is Parallel Collisions. Across four physical platforms, Parallel Collisions presents 21 commissioned works by some of Australia’s leading artists, 21 original texts, a designer, an architect, two curators and an institution, forming a connective tissue that attempts to understand our subjective experience of time. The curators are Natasha Bullock and Alexie Glass-Kantor and artists include Pat Foster & Jen Berean, Marco Fusinato, Shaun Gladwell, Susan Jacobs, Jonathan Jones and Yvonne Koolmatrie. The first Australian Idol winner, Guy Sebastian, hails from Adelaide’s northeastern suburb of Golden Grove. American musician Ben Folds used to base himself in Adelaide when he was married to Australian Frally Hynes. http://www.adelaidefestival.com.au/

For those of you who like to show art more then they like to look at it, The Bellevue Arts Museum located in Bellevue Washington is holding The BAM Biennial 2012: High Fiber Diet. This is being held from October 25, 2012 - February 24, 2013. Artists are encouraged to take a creative approach to the fiber medium, considering both traditional expressions of fiber art and the fringes of the medium, where concepts of art and craft merge. The exhibition is intended to recognize the innovative and extraordinary work being produced by contemporary Northwest makers, and to celebrate the region's distinctive character. For details on how to enter go to http://www.bellevuearts.org/exhibitions/upcoming/bam_biennial_2012/index.html

To round out our coverage of Pacific Biennials that are going on this month we were going to talk about The Yayasan Biennale Yogyakarta. This biennial is hard to understand. Either a language thing or we are just too tired from putting together THE WINDSOR WHITNRY BIENNIAL for you. We LOVE our many fans in Indonesia!! They are some of our most loyal. Check out our ipiellegence map on our website and look how many people from Jakarta are following us. http://www.biennialproject.com/GlobalReach.aspx

It might be also known as The Equator: Biennale Jogja XI 2011. I’d say look out for it in 2013 if you want to go. Just be happy that you know it exists and we applaud the artists of India and Indonesia even if we can’t read their website. http://www.biennalejogja.org/

We only found this statement and we think its sounds neato!!
Starting in 2011, the Biennale Jogja XI, which takes place in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, will work its way around the equator, a zone designated as the area between the Tropic of Cancer (latitude 23°27′ north) and the Tropic of Capricorn (latitude 23°27′ south). Biennale Jogja will look further towards the future, open up new perspectives and develop confrontations that engage convention and the establishment by examining similar situations all over the world. The discourse of contemporary art has become very dynamic, but we still notice that the dichotomy of center and periphery remains very strong. There is the need to identify new opportunities and seek out more valuable meaning in a biennale event.