Hi Biennial Project Fans Worldwide, here’s something you seriously won’t want to miss. There’s a fantastic show up in Boston that naturally includes cool work by US, but also has really incredible work by members of a Hip Cutting-Edge Artist Collaborative named Atlantic Works. The title of the show is Guaranteed Stolen, and it deals provocatively with the issue of appropriation in the Arts. Here’s the link to the show -
Atlantic Works Gallery Guaranteed Stolen Show
And here’s a link to the Flattering Review of the show in The Boston Globe -
Boston Globe Review
Now, don’t be dismayed if you haven’t caught this show yet, there’s another reception
Thursday January 20th from 6-9PM.
To give you just a taste of the cool work in the show, here’s one immensely clever work that is on display -
Now, don’t even think of asking us, we’ll NEVER tell who the artist behind this lovely takeoff is!
Also included in this show, is a Body of Photographic Work from The Biennial Project’s series The Biennial Project in the Arts. This installment is titled The Biennial Project in the Arts – Chelsea, New York, December 2010. It documents The Biennial Project’s ongoing efforts to lend our Considerable Cachet to art exhibits around the world – in effect collaborating with the original artists Ex Post Facto, and thus contributing to a critical discourse about the nature and mutability of artistic practice and the viability of the “art object” within the post-modern framework, and well as opening a much needed dialogue about the exclusion of the viewer within the contemporary gallery paradigm. This work also touches upon issues of feminism and the construction of the female gaze, press freedom in a world of corporate sponsorship, the relevance of organized and alternative religious practice, the suppression of gay identity, and many other super important topics. Here are a few examples to wet your tongue -

And, just a tiny little subtle reminder – check out the
Venice Gift Registry