Eric – I’ve decided we are going to win Powerball.
We should have the billion dollars.
We can move to PR and save every dog there.
Then summer in the Berkshires and save dogs there.
And keep a loft in Bushwick and throw big parties.
And build our own pavilion in Venice.
Then wonder what happened to all that money 10 years
But look back and smile from our Section 8 on McGrath
And then we’ll spend our ss checks on lottery tickets
because god will smile on us twice.
Pennies from heaven…..

Anna–When is the Powerball drawing?
It will be a very good 10 years with that money.
We can have that H&G show help us buy one of our
houses and call it Performance Art, which of course it is.
And a house by a river outside of Prague.
And now that I am thinking, we will need a private
plane so that our dogs can have an easy flight with us
as we jet back and forth.
With our logo painted big on the outside.
Like the Rolling Stones.
Eric - It’s going to be a great 9 years.
Anna- I can hardly wait. When do we play?
And the Cuban dogs need our help too. If this takes us
down to 8 years I am OK with it.
Because we will win again.
And if not, we will always have our ss checks, right?