"So with the entire world following the opening of The Biennial Project's new
show ‘Bizarre Artist Happenings’ we feel that in respect to our fellow
creators we should update you, our readers, on some of the other
Biennial/Biennales taking place this summer. We will even highlight a few
that you can enter yourself including The upcoming Boston Biennial and next
year's Boston on-line Biennale.

First off, we wish we could have made an appearance at the Venice Beach
Biennale brought to you by The Hammer Museum in sunny Los Angeles CA. Years
ago, when we barely knew the ins and outs of the art fair circuit, we found
ourselves on Venice Beach thinking for sure this was the location for the
world renowned Venice Biennale. I mean Venice Beach not only reeks of
marijuana but it reeks of hipness, coolness and creativity. We simply could
not have imagined that ‘the’ prestigious art event would happen in a
decaying, sinking, outdated city in some far away land. We asked many people
where the Gioardini was located but we were always pointed to the many ‘Dr.
offices and medical facilities’ that line the Venice Beach boardwalk. Who
says that the US health system is in trouble? There are ‘Dr. offices’ on
every block filled with patients from every walk of life. They all seem to
offer a cure-all magic prescription known as ‘Medical Marijuana’ and it
helps everything from glaucoma, to stress headaches and numerous mental
illnesses. This cure all seems to be accessible to all without any long
nasty insurance forms to deal with. Any enough with that, The Venice Beach
Biennale was special because it not only ‘high’lighted famous artists such
as Barbara Kruger, Evan Holloway, Katie Grinnan and Nick Herman but it
represented the artists who show on the boardwalk each and every day. The
Venice Beach Biennale was shown in conjunction with The Hammer Museum¹s
’Made in LA’ Biennial, which is running this summer.

The Santorini Biennale of Arts is taking place on that somewhat scenic
island in Greece. The Biennale is the idea of artist, designer and economist
Kikos Papadopoulos; supported by the Municipality of Thera, the Estia
Association of Pyrgos, and the Santorini of the Past Cultural Village in
Pyrgos. This season you may want to redirect your yacht on your summer¹s
Mediterranean cruise and skip Cefalu (I mean we all know Turkish ports are
so last year) and return to the 'vintage cool' destination of Santorini. As
well as having put on a great art show with a list of artists too vast to
repeat, The Santorini Biennale has one of the best and most personable
twitter feeds out there. They are always tweeting us, The Biennial Project,
and we are always excited to tweet them back as well as retweet their twats.
For more information on this biennale go to www.santorinibiennale.gr/

So you are enjoying your summer and seeing great art at The Sydney Biennial,
Documenta and Manifesta. Let's not forget that September is approaching fast
and you don't want to get stuck without plans. September is a good time to
travel and see art because those pesky little ingrates, known as children,
are back at school. No more having to push away an entire clan who are
trying to ‘expose’ the young ones to culture while they refuse to look up
from their electronic mobile devises. At The Whitstable Biennale you will be
granted the space an adult should have. Nowhere on the venue's website do
they mention what country Whitstable is located in but we think it is
England just outside on London. We know there are one or two events taking
place in London this summer of some importance but at the moment all we can
think of is this Biennale. We also can not find any information on their
website that lists what artists are showing but it¹s a Biennale so its got
to be great. The Whitsable Biennale is also on twitter and that makes them
cool. So to find out 'some information’ on this mysterious but happening
Biennale please go to http://www.whitstablebiennale.com.

So we told you we would list a biennale or two that you can enter to become
world famous artists much like ourselves. II you follow us on Facebook, and
we know you do, because why wouldn't you, you would see the frequent
Biennale/Biennial opportunities we post for you. For those of you that are
too lazy or stupid to read our Facebook page we'll let you know here of one
or two art shows you can present at.

First there is The University of Hawaii Hilo: 2012 Pacific States Biennial
National Print Exhibition. This exhibit is open only to US residents and
residents of the US territories. We really hope all our fans in The US
Virgin Islands, America Samoa and The Federated States of Micronesia read
this and WIN!! Our territories which also include Puerto Rico, Palau and The
Midway islands all sound like warm, tropical paradises and we would love an
invitation to one of these places if the winning artist enters because they
read it in our blog. Hell even if you don¹t win and have a futon near the
beach we will visit you. So all you artists on The Marshall Islands go to
-of-hawaii-hilo-2012-pacific-states-biennial-national-print-exhibition/ and
enter by October 1sst.
Entries for The Kaunas Biennial, entitled "Unitext" are due by September 15th.
The 9th Kaunas Biennial UNITEXT will create conditions for immediate
collisions of an artwork and a spectator, allowing the experience of art as
a universal text. Curators of the exhibition together with artists will
pursue a concept that is new and unfamiliar in a cultural context and will
consolidate it by presenting practical examples. We will go into the
question of a unitext, which is the latest link in work -> text -> intertext
-> hypertext -> unitext semiotic chain of a philosophic / art criticism /
artistic field.

Those Lithuanians certainly do not beat around the bush and get right to he
point of what you should create. If the theme wasn't enticing enough we know
That The Most Interesting Artist in The World, formally known as Michael St.
Germain, showed in Kauunas in 2005 before he became as famous and as
interesting as he is today. For more information for this biennale taking
place in Lithuania's second largest city please go to
We cannot wait for information to be released for 21st INTERNATIONAL
one we plan to dominate in ourselves. If you feel, as we do that the Biennial
Project should be the center of attention at this Bulgarian Biennale by all
means let them know.
Finally stay tuned for the details to two of the earth's, hell the solar
system's biggest art events. One being the Boston Biennial being held in
Boston this December as in 2012. Secondly The 2nd Boston Online Biennial
will be held later this spring with another fabulous reception being held
the opening weekend of The Venice Biennale, in fucking Venice, again. Keep
reading our blog, our twitter and our facebook for details.

Also stay tuned for our Global Biennial Project collaborators to update you
on the art they saw this summer. We are hoping Marlene Sarnoff will tell us
all about the Sydney Biennale or that Tom Estes might write about the
artistic happening around that little sporting event taking place in his
town of London right now. We also sent our very own Charlene Liska across
the pond this summer as an envoy todOCUMENTA(13) and Manifesta The European Biennial of Contemporary Art..
