There are questions in life that boggle the mind. How did the first atom form and why is it not indivisible? Why do dogs bark and cats meow? Why do some species crave love? Did the dish really run away with the spoon?
Most recently on our mind is the important question of ‘Why the fuck did it take so long for Elisabeth Sussman and Jay Saunders to finalize the Whitney Biennial 2012 Artist List?’
After the immense shock of not seeing our own names amongst the other esteemed, and (let’s be perfectly honest) super-well-connected artisans, we at The Biennial Project managed to marshal our vast emotional resources to snap out of our stupor regarding why WE of all people were not invited to show.
But the question still remains, ‘why keep us hanging for so long? It seems our friendly letters, not-so-friendly letters, self portraits, offerings of food and many other spectacular gifts did not make much of an impression on these highfalutin curators. Undoubtedly Elis and Jay already had a lot of very nifty stuff, but, really, a simple thank you letter would have been nice.
Oh well. They are probably busy with a ton of fabulous parties and are distracted by all their new friends, hangers-on, and fellow-travelers - so we get it, sort of. After all, if anybody can understand how time-consuming and misleading fame can be it is The Biennial Project.
Anyhow, after dusting off our neglected, bruised egos we got excited when we learned who of our many good friends made the cut this year. Maybe these Elisabeth and Jay characters aren’t so repugnant and evil after all. Maybe.
Whitney Biennial 2012 Participating Artists:
Kai Althoff
Thom Andersen
Charles Atlas
Lutz Bacher
Forrest Bess (by Robert Gober)
Michael Clark
Dennis Cooper and Gisèle Vienne
Cameron Crawford
Moyra Davey
Liz Deschenes
Nathaniel Dorsky
Nicole Eisenman
Kevin Jerome Everson
Vincent Fecteau
Andrea Fraser
LaToya Ruby Frazier
Vincent Gallo
K8 Hardy
Richard Hawkins
Werner Herzog
Jerome Hiler
Matt Hoyt
Dawn Kasper
Mike Kelley
John Kelsey
Jutta Koether
John Knight
George Kuchar
Laida Lertxundi
Kate Levant
Sam Lewitt
Joanna Malinowska
Andrew Masullo
Nick Mauss
Richard Maxwell
Sarah Michelson
Alicia Hall Moran and Jason Moran
Laura Poitras
Matt Porterfield
Luther Price
Lucy Raven
The Red Krayola
Kelly Reichardt
Elaine Reichek
Michael Robinson
Georgia Sagri
Michael E. Smith
Tom Thayer
Wu Tsang
Oscar Tuazon
Frederick Wiseman